Ridge and gable protection Tobler AG Tobler AG

Ridge and gable protection

arrow Your advantages

  • Vollaluminium – Leichtbau: nur 7,8 kg
  • einfacher Aufbau
  • verstellbar von 0 – 30 °
  • Solarpanels bis an den First montierbar
  • Absturzsicherung dort wo sie gebraucht wird
  • komplettes Einrüsten nicht nötig
  • Kein Entfernen des Dachziegels notwendig
  • Geländerpfosten mit Schnellverschluss- kupplungen
  • auf allen Ziegeldächern anwendbar bis 45 ° Dachneigung
  • zuverlässiges, mobiles Seitenschutz-System nach EN 13374, Klasse A

Console bracket for ridge guardrails

Tobler ridge protection is easy, safe and adjustable. It offers perfect protection against falling near the ridge of the roof and, thanks to its light weight, is very easy and quick to assemble and disassemble. The stable anchor hook is mounted under the roof tiles, which simply need to be raised slightly for the purpose.



Gable protection

Building on the Tobler rafter ties, guardrail posts with half-couplings are used to attach the upper and lower scaffolding tubes for the gable guardrail. The guardrail posts are secured in place using pins or screws.




Offer enquiry Ridge and gable protection

Console bracket for ridge guardrails

Item no. Length Height Weight Adjustable piece
Z-620150 160 cm 100 cm 7,80 kg 0 – 30 °
Console bracket for ridge guardrails Tobler AG

Anchor hook for ridge protection

This special anchor hook is used if the standard anchor hook cannot be used. It is screwed into the rafters.

Item no. Weight piece
Z-620015 0,70 kg
Anchor hook for ridge protection Tobler AG

Toe board for ridge protection

• Made of aluminum

Item no. Length Height Weight piece
Z-621300 300 cm 15 cm 5,00 kg
Toe board for ridge protection Tobler AG

Scaffolding tube

• Made of aluminum
• Diameter: 48,3 mm × 4,00 mm

Item no. Length Weight piece
Z-190050 50 cm 0,70 kg
Z-190100 100 cm 1,40 kg
Z-190150 150 cm 2,10 kg
Z-190200 200 cm 2,80 kg
Z-190250 250 cm 3,60 kg
Z-190300 300 cm 4,30 kg
Z-190350 350 cm 5,00 kg
Z-190400 400 cm 5,70 kg
Z-190450 450 cm 6,40 kg
Z-190500 500 cm 7,10 kg
Scaffolding tube Tobler AG

All prices net in CHF, excl. VAT and transport, ex warehouse. Tobler AG general terms & conditions apply.

Customer’s details

Your contact in Switzerland

Peter Hasler Tobler AG

Peter Hasler

Sales field service Storage Technology
M: +41 (0)79 529 84 44

Field Service Abroad

Martin Tobler Tobler AG

Martin Tobler

T: +41 (0)71 886 06 20

Harald Herrndorf Tobler AG

Harald Herrndorf

Works representative
T: +49 171 31 51 974

Adrian Lemmermeyer Tobler AG

Adrian Lemmermeyer

Sales field service
Scaffolding and Formwork
Vorarlberg & Tirol
T: +43 676 603 73 60

Michael Siebert Tobler AG

Michael Siebert

Area Sales Manager
Northern Germany, NRW, Niedersachsen, Hessen
(Rhein/ Main)

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